Family Governance Essentials

Overview | Agenda | Faculty | Testimonials

Here's what attendees from our past programs had to say:

"I was impressed with the value offered. So many topics that were pertinent to our family. I was impressed with the structure of the format and that scheduled timing was respected."

Carrie Bohlmann, Liturgical Publications, Inc.

"Very rich in information and more important, sharing among attendees and the opportunity to really dig into issues in a meaningful way. "

Kathy Buckman Gibson, Buckman Laboratories International, Inc.

"The program greatly exceeded my expectations. The "virtualness" did not impact the value, and it was great to meet others experiencing similar challenges."

Bryan Ferrari, One Workplace

"I'm impressed that I was able to connect with so many others and to really gain insight and expertise as I move forward with a suitcase full of ideas and plans. You delivered everything you outlined and more! Excellent faculty and facilitators."

Cami Daley, Brakebush Brothers Inc.

"The virtual programing was HIGHLY efficient. Love the no travel. You kept my full attention. Frequency of breaks was just right so there was no Zoom fatigue."

Phil Ryan, Worthen Industries

"I found it very convenient as I was able to stay home and manage family and work as well as attend the conference. It really provided value for that reason."

Anne Hussey, Hussey Seating Company

"I came away inspired and excited about trying to work on my board and family council to make the changes I think we need. And to work on my level of knowledge. The presenters were warm and generous with their knowledge and experience and it was good to hear about other family businesses."


Join us to enhance your impact on your family's development, connection, and success!